My brother in law Colton Johnson left for military training yesterday. Very sad filled day. He will be very missed, imagine the bravery you have to have to leave your family and friends to go do what you feel you were called to do. Not anyone can do that, I know I can't, but I'm glad there are people who are willing to fight for our country! We will miss you so very much Colt and we will see you in six months!
Can you spot the hero in the picture?

My mom finally returned home on sunday from Bogota Colombia her home town. Her Nephew got married and she decide to go the wedding and spend Christmas there cause it has been over 25 years since she had spent the Holidays with her family. Now we can have our last Christmas for the year! Brielle was sure happy for her return as you can see...

Brielle turned 2 months on 12-25, I'm a little late posting but better late than never. What have you been up to these days...

*you have gotton very good at holding that big head up (full of brains)and pushing up with your arms
*you sleep 7 hours at night which me and daddy really appreciate
*you weigh 12lbs and are in the 90th percentile in weight (the size of a 3 1/2 mon old) HaHa, what a chunk and 50th for height, your head is a little big they say :)
*you don't fall asleep at feedings anymore and you stay awake longer during the day
*you love putting your hands in your mouth now that you have a little more control in your arm movements