We had A LOT of friends over for the UT vs Tech game and it was so fun getting to hang out with everyone...especially cause we WON!!!

My sweet friend Kaci and miss Brogan

Rivals but still friends!

I like your dress Brogan!

Cheering for their teams haha

Last weekend we went to Oklahoma with Landons family. It was such a good trip and Brielle did excellent! she missed most her naps and was in a great mood anyway and she slept all night both nights even though we were in a strange place. I'm telling you if...getting teeth in, strep throat, and vacations don't keep my baby from sleeping I don't know what will. Me and her daddy take all the credit for that though cause we worked very hard in the beginning to get to this point!
We stopped and ate at this rinky dink place to eat halfway there and this sign was on the door haha who knew my husband sold goats!

Landon pointed out a really faint rainbow in the sky on the way and so I wanted to get a pic of it. I had no idea the big cross was coming up so as i zoomed in on the rainbow the cross appeared and I got a picture of all of it! Isn't it beautiful! Gave me chills for it to have worked out like that! We are so blessed!

Eating in brick town

My inlaws are the best!!!!!!

Can I please get dressed mom!

At the Oklahoma fair

Love him soooo very much!

Aunt Kaytie and Brielle

Playing with the foam in the fountain

Brielle trying to be a Guidette

We saved the best for last...SEGWAYS. Never ridden one before and you feel & look totally lame doing it but they were soooo much FUN! I really want one now to run errands on hahaha!!

Kaytie and I kept trying to run over people and then we totally took our segways in the elevator like idiots to get back up to the top of brick town haha (why can't we just be normal!)

Segway LOVE!

This is what little B did while we rode around like wild people. she's such a good baby!

visiting aunt ash at work before we left to go home