Brielle you are 11 months old...what are you up to..?
*you wave and say bye bye without us telling you
*You love to say "mmmmmmmm" when you see your sippy or food
*If you have a toy with holes or an opening, you love to try to fit stuff in it, you were playing with a small box the other day and were so entertained by pulling stuff out of it and putting things in it.
*you didn't like your diaper changed last month, but this month you are just fine again..you love to stretch real big while and laugh while we change you
*you Quack like a duck, but it sounds more like a cough haha
*you got your first fever, it was so sad and you had strep throat...I thank God we went this long without you getting sick!
*you are likeing your stuffed animal and babys a little more
*We took our first family trip to Oklahoma and you couldn't have been better for us!
*You love to speed crawl, when daddy or I come into the room you squeal and crawl as fast as you can to the couch so you can pull up and play with us!
*You are cruising on everything but not wanting to let go and walk yet
*You love to sing now and dance to everything!
We go to "Laugh and Learn" at the library every Thursday morning and this week daddy got to go with us! Brielle love having him there.

She only has eyes for her dad

Landon and I volunteered at our church a few weeks ago with packing and sending food for needy people overseas. It was such a good turnout!

This was everyone outside afterwards waiting to eat!!!

We took Brielle to Maxwells pumpkin farm and has such a great time! It is sooo cute out there and they have so much to do even for adults. (for an added bonus we got in for free b/c Landon got tickets from work)
Lovin the pumpkin bounce house

I had my Chi Omega sorority 10 year pledge class reunion a couple of weeks ago for homecoming and of course I'm just getting around to posting pictures. It was so much fun getting to spend some time with everyone once again.

Lovin the parade!

Brielle and her sweet friend James

me and my old roomie (but still best friend) visiting our old dorm room

we signed our names above our mirrors in our room