Our friend Tanner invited us over Friday night for a cookout, we decided to take Brielle since a lot of Landon's friends don't have kids and haven't seen her since she was a newborn. She did sooo good and stayed up till 10:00pm so mom and dad could have some fun, and she did too.

Krisin showing her how to pet the play kitty on her phone

The boys and a princess

I made the mistake of asking Austin to take our picture, he always get shots of us making stupid faces when we aren't ready, so as soon as I handed him the camera we tried to jump into a cute pose, not sure it worked, we look kinda silly ha!

The more fun group
Katie, Jessi, Me and Kristin (just ignore my boney kinda gross collar bone)

Not bad if I do say so myself

Here is B on her way to church, she hasn't been in about 4 months, I wanted to keep her out of the flu, croup, rsv infested nursery's till spring, now hopefully she won't catch anything for a while, she's had her fair share!

After church we went to Red Robin, yuuum!!!

Isn't Kasey's hat FABULOUS, I need to get one!

Oh how much fun a balloon can be.......

After lunch we made a trip to target, B loves the red balls out front

Apparently while at my moms on Monday, Brielle figured out how to open the pantry, pull out the chair and get her own cereal down haha, this kid would do anything for food, she's not gonna starve!

Tuesday Brielle and I had a shopping day....I normally wouldn't do this but we were leaving and I thought she would enjoy ridding on the front of the cart, It's low to the ground so if she did fall off she wouldn't have far to go, but I was watching her really close!

Shoe Carnival, no success, where can I get some fun shoes? I want Pink, Bright Blue, Yellow and Purple...I'm tired of plain old black and brown!

Showing off her new ducky from bath and body works

This was my project for the week. We have our Chi Omega sorority founders day reunion this weekend and I wanted Brielle to have something special, with an owl on it of course, to wear to the play date. I'm soooo excited to spend time with good friends I haven't seen in a while!!!

And here's the almost finished product, I still have to add the yellow squiggly trim to the tops of the ruffles,she looks adorable in it!

She loves trying on Dada's shoes! I love this onesie my sister got her, it says "It's really simple, I'm a Princess, Mom is a Queen and Daddys around here somewhere" Couldn't be anymore true if you ask me!