Brielle started Daycare last Friday, since my mom moved I don't have anyone to watch her on Fridays.
Here she is ready to go!

Not sure what to think?

She did great, I did not...I cried and felt like I was going to throw up or pass out all day long! I don't know how moms do it who have to leave their babies when they are really little for 5 days a week, my heart breaks for them! I couldn't do it that's for sure, I'd sell everything to get to stay home with her! I know it's good for her though because my mom NEVER left us with anyone and I had a lot of anxiety about school and being away from her even on my first day of college. I don't want that for Brielle. I still feel guilty though cause she doesn't have to be there, I don't have to work, I just like it. We will see if I can follow through. You may see a post soon where I've quit my job haha!

Saturday night our friend Greg's parents had bought a table at a benefit but were not able to make it, so they gave the tickets to Greg and he gave them to all his friends. Free food, drinks and music......yes please!

That's a real roasted pig folks......and yes I did have a bite. It was kinda dry.

Kristin and Jessi

Brian, Jessi's husband, he's embarrassed of her.

Wish this was really Hawaii!

Now these two are going to Hawaii in a week!

Playing a little game.....I don't remember what it's called.

Sara, Greg, Katie and Tanner

Fun night with some of our favorite friends!