Grapevine had a main street day fair to kick off summer.
Everyone should have an event to kick of summer!!! I love this city!

First were the rides, Brielle wanted to ride the merry go round and especially wanted to ride that zebra.
Or she only thought she wanted to ride it!

Then it was the train, she was excited. "Was" being the key word, once she got on she wasn't having it.
She wasn't even two last year when we took her to wonderland for the first time and she loved all the rides. This year she's old enough to realize they are a little scary I guess.

Frozen grapes on a stick, why didn't I think of that! What a great treat to take the place of a Popsicle.

We took B over to the kids corner to play instead. They had the neatest things for kids to do like milking a cow, playing with play dough, building with legos, petting zoo, mini bicycles, and so much more.

Does everywhere have to have a sandbox!? They're just so gross to me! I hate sand, I will never have a sandbox in my backyard that's for sure!

Not that busy for a Dallas fair. I think I've come to expect everywhere to just be packed and the traffic to be horrendous. But it's not. Even when it is, it's a good trade off for all the things to do here.
The fair on the square in Canyon is 100 times worse than this, you can't even enjoy yourself there.

One of Landon's bank branches. For those of you who I told he was working for Bank of the Woods, I was wrong. All bank names sound the same to me, I get so mixed up!
Can't anyone come up with something unique!