I've been waiting a long time for this!! I finally painted B's toenails for the first time. I've wanted to do it for forever now but decide to wait until she could really get excited about it as well.
That way we could have a mother daughter moment about it!!!

She loved them!
That way we could have a mother daughter moment about it!!!

She loved them!

It wasn't an hour later it all came off from playing in the pool haha! I love having a girl!
I was in a sweet kind of mood a couple days ago and decided to bake some pumpkin cookies. Brielle had fun decorating them....the last time we did this was Valentines and she's come a long way since then, she's more coordinated and and interested. Fall is my number one favorite season and summer is a close second.

Studio Movie Grill does a summer series for the little ones all summer long. The tickets are only $1 for kids and $2 for adults. We decided to go yesterday to celebrate B's 2 year and 9 month birthday!

I'd never been to one of these but it was really cool, they even serve cocktails!
Landon and I will have to come back for a date night!

Already into it and it's just the previews haha! The last time we went to something like this was the Texas show in Palo Duro Canyon last summer, she sat through almost the whole thing but talked out loud a lot! She was soooo good in the movie, she whispered the whole time and only squirmed around a little half way through the movie! I'm excited we can probably take her to regular movies and not the ones filled with talkative toddlers ha!

I'm not gonna lie, when we walked out of the movie I was a little teary eyed. I feel so blessed to get to spend my days doing this kind of stuff with my daughter! I get to watch her grow up which is happening way to quick. I just love spending time with her, I can't get enough of her! She's so funny and so smart and incredibly sweet! She's my little buddy!!! Of course when we got in the car the song on the radio was
"It Won't Be Like This For Long",
I think it was God telling me I could go ahead and cry : ) and I did.