Brielle's Birthday week was off to a good start...the love of my life left me a sweet surprise. Good gosh were those candies gooooood!

The day before B's Birthday I made some little treats to take to all her classmates in preschool.

The day before B's Birthday I made some little treats to take to all her classmates in preschool.

Also my dear friend Trena was due on October 24th with her first baby girl. Well she went into labor that day but ended up having her on Brielle's birthday! I LOVE it!!! Two Chi Omega legacy's sharing the same birthday! She's just beautiful and I can't wait to meet sweet Trudy in person!

The night before we did a little birthday decorating. How much fun and joy it brings to my heart to do these things for my kids! I just love to see the surprise and joy on their faces, they are so worth it and so deserve it!

She was delighted by her balloons and mirror art and had to come wake us up to tell us all about it!
After breakfast we gave Brielle her gift from us.

Her cousin Levi has a blue jeep and we were talking about it the other day. She said "I don't know where he got that, maybe at the store?" I said "maybe, do you think they come in other colors?" and she said "no just blue, but it's for boys and girls" Sweet baby. Little did she know they came in Barbie PINK!

Love this sweet baby girl! You are such a good girl. Daddy and I are extremely proud of you! You are incredibly sweet and show so much concern and care for others already. You've also got a sassy side to you that can get your little mouth in trouble:) I hope that sassiness can be put to good use one day in that you will always stand up for yourself, stay true to yourself and what you believe. I cannot wait to see what 4 has in store, I've heard it called the TERRIFIC FOURS. You've always been good and easy even through the 2's and 3's. I pray you grow to be a confident, giving, joyful, Jesus loving little girl this year. Mom and dad love you with all our hearts. You made us a mommy and daddy and you've taught us so many things and we are much better people because of you! Thank you for that Brielle. Thank you for your sweet smile and showing us a different more beautiful world we didn't know was there.