My Beautiful Handsome is 9 months old. Ok so I may have said this about the past couple months but 9 months is so far my favorite. He his such a joy (most the time) and so much fun. My heart bursts for this little man.
He had his 9 month check up and is right on que.
I had to give him snacks to keep him happy, it was nap time.
Hason what are you up too...
*You weigh 22 lbs and are in the 85th percentile, Your dropping down
*You are 28 1/2 inches long 55th percentile...your daddy said you must stop getting shorter in your height percentile:)
*Your head is in the 85th percentile ha
*BIG accomplishment this started crawling!! Me, Dad and Lita were all there to see it and we even got it on video! We felt blessed we all go to witness that
*You have learned to sign "more"...looks more like a clap but we know what you mean.
*You no longer drink out of a bottle, bitter sweet for me, but I'm excited to move on to sippys!
* you waved and said bye bye...still no "momma" , come on buddy I was the one who gave birth to you!
*you love to clap
* You looooove to pull up and stand. you seem to have great balance and coordination.
*you have started eating more whole foods as opposed to purees and feeding yourself. Your very good and quick at it! There's nothing you won't eat! You are a great eater thank the Lord!
*Dad lowered your crib matteress to the lowest setting since you are standing all the time now
*you sleep 12 hours at night...8pm to 8am. You take a 2 hour nap in the morning from 10:30 to 12:30. But now you've started cutting back on your afternoon naps (NOOOO!) you normally only sleep about 30 minutes around 4:30
*we discovered you LOVE balls so that is what you are getting in your Easter basket! mom and dad are pretty proud that you love balls by the way, it's the little things in life isn't it haha. Baseball player in our future? We will see.
You still think your mom is the greatest person on earth!
I've never nursed a child this old so it's funny to me to see how that is. Now when I pick him up especially after I've left him somewhere for a bit he does this..........
and this.......
and this....cause he's looking for them baaahaaa! It's the cutest most sweetest embarrassing thing ever.
Alright, I give :) We nursed outside this particular day cause it was absolutely amazing out. 75 degrees, no wind and clouds all around!
He loves to clap...hmmmm how does this work.......
That's his serious face when he's talking...I just die!
Moms so funny.
Sweet siblings
Sweet boy made me his first craft while at the gym last week.
Then he ate it......
These are the eyes I get to stare into when I breastfeed. <3 and="" awkward="" big="" but="" care="" don="" feed="" hates="" he="" him.="" him="" i="" ill="" is="" it="" its="" just="" landon="" laugh="" love="" makes="" me="" mom="" my="" nbsp="" now="" p="" right="" s="" set="" since="" so="" sometimes="" t="" thinks="" to="" up="" which="">
Hason adores this girl and she him.
She is so kind to him. Now that he is mobile he can get into her stuff. She just says "No Hason" and moves it away. She's very patient and caring towards him. Even when he pulls her hair........
Big boy and his sippy!
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