It was opeing day and I wasn't missing it, I love the water, my plan is to go at least 2 times a week with friends and at least once a weekend with Landon, sounds like a pretty good summer! Don't worry I won't post pictures every time.
Isn't her swimsuit adorable! I love cute swimsuits for me and especially for Brielle, I started shopping for hers in February haha!

and the back is even precious!

Very first time at the pool ever. Last year 2010

one year later 2011

Dada and Brielle waiting in line for the pool to open


2011(I wish I knew how to compare side by side)



using that tongue just like her dad


2011 (Bless her heart, I think she's getting my forehead!)

Look who I found at the pool!

Kole and Brielle

This is a momentous ocassion!!! Never in my life did I think I would get a picture like this, Brielle falling asleep in a random place! She wouldn't even do this in her stroller. Don't get me wrong, she's the best sleeper in the world but not when there are things going on, she is way to busy to sleep! This is how tired she was after the pool! Poor baby!

relaxing and watching some kid songs on youtube, I still don't let her watch tv really except for her praise baby dvds so she really enjoys this

Yay for Beefobradys

MMM yay for fried oreos!

Sunday night we had a Gann photo shoot, Ashley was in town and she is leaving saturday to be stationed in San Antonio for 2 years so we wanted to get pictures of the whole family before she left. Kaytie's friend Alex Blair did our pictures and they turned out beautiful, these are ones I took with my camera, I'll try to post the professional ones this week sometime.

Getting chased by Gannpa

I just adore this picture

I usually get all our groceries for the week on Mondays so since dad was off he came with us to help. Brielle brought her own little pink shopping cart and had a blast pushing it around and putting things in it that were in her grasp, I just died!! She looked sooo extremely cute acting like a big girl!

After a morning of grocery shopping it was time for the pool!

We saw our friend Maddie there



How excited am I that she can wear this swimsuit again this year!

That evening we had a barbeque at our friends Tim and Jackie's house

Brielle wanted nothing to do with Maddie and that cold water ha

B couldn't get enough watermelon, she had 3 slices! I'm going to make he watermelon popsicles out of the leftover ones

Brielle can't get enough of hats! She put mine on and wore it around the house all afternoon