Well, It's that time...Potty training time! This post is waaaay overdo but we have been at it for two months and Brielle has been doing great. At 28 months old she decided to ask to use her potty, Landon thought he'd humor her and let her try, low and behold she went!!! We were beyond happy and proud. I had been putting off potty training cause frankly I wasn't looking forward to it, heard to many bad stories. I've just always felt that it shouldn't be that hard if the kid is ready, and I was right....It's been quite easy thank goodness!
This is her first time using the potty! So glad my camera was charged!
We went out and bought some motivating supplies, m&m's, stickers, Minnie mouse panties and a sticker notebook!
She loves her panties.....she put them on all by herself.
Five pairs to be exact. HAHA! She's still got some baby rolls, makes me happy!

She can pull her own panties down and use her little potty all by herself.

She will also get herself a reward. We keep M&M's on the bathroom counter and she will pull her stool up and get only 1! If too many come out of the bag she will pick her favorite color and then put the rest back! Such a big girl, and that means minimal work for us, LAZY I know HA!
Go Brielle! She looks like the coppertone baby in the last one!