Brielle's Birthday was filled with a lot of fun and surprises.

First we got her up and sang to her. Bed head and all.

First we got her up and sang to her. Bed head and all.
Landon's sister Kaytie was flying in from Canada for Brielle's Bday. Nobody knew but Landon and I. Also Landon's step mom and sister were in town for the Carrie Underwood concert and were staying with us. We had a house full and I was loving every second of it! Kaytie totally took Teresa and Ashleigh by surprise when she arrived!
Next we headed to Sweet and Sassy for a haircut and manicure.
Next we headed to Sweet and Sassy for a haircut and manicure.

The movie is a genius idea and Brielle loved it. The hairstylist kept asking her questions but she was too into her movie to answer.

Landon's such a good sport and the best daddy to a girl! He's as manly as they come and could care less about any girly thing but when it comes to B he is all in and present for everything no matter what it is and actually seems to enjoy it!
She liked rubbing the lotion on her hands.

All week long she had been talking about painting her nails pink....just like a girl she changed her mind at the last minute.
I've never eaten at Which Wich.....It was soooo good and I enjoyed how you got to customize your sandwich! I love that kind of thing!
Our 3 year old!
(I just die for this outfit....It's persnickety my most favorite little girl clothing line ever! If you haven't seen it get off my blog and look it up now!)
That evening we decided to try out Cosmic Jump. It was soooo fun! I would not recommend it for kids under the age of 8. It's made more for kids like our age. We went late so there was nobody else there and we had the place all to ourselves!
Katyie's a fabulous trampoliner, even though she gave herself whiplash at one point.

Dodge Ball.....This is Landon nailing Kaytie in the head HA!
She loved her Minnie mouse presents!

We ended the night with a friendly game of Apples to Apples, I won of course and everyone else was being quite a sorry loser. Can't help it I'm so good family!

We had a friendly Skype date with Jake in Canada....Landon was awfully amused.
Only those of you who know Landon best can probably guess whats making him laugh so hard.

Friday morning before the trip to Amarillo for Brielle's actual birthday party she was showered with more gifts from Aunt Kayite. She gave her a big ole bucket full of fun things to do crafts with!
I can't wait to make stuff with my girl!

Brielle's first doll house, her gift from us.

I scored this thing along with all the accessories at once upon a child for $50!!!
It would have cost $200 with all the extras it came with brand new.
It's not that we can't afford a new one. My child deserves the best in everything but whose to say mom and dad being smart with their money and still buying their daughter an awesome gift isn't the best.
That leaves more money for important things like college!
She will get new things and she will get used, we love her just the same and hope that someday she will see the example we have set and be good spender too.
You buy things for yourself and only you. Not to impress others or you'll never be happy.
I like what I like for me. Not so others will like me more. My sweet real friends already do!