Saturday, January 21, 2012

Birthday Work Surprise!

Wednesday the day before my birthday my wonderful work family surprised me with a whole lot of goodies! I didn't even notice it when I walked in, I was too amazed at how my water had frozen in my car overnight and had icicles in it haha! My boss goes " um surprise" so I look up from my interesting water bottle and see this!
Cutest cookie cake ever, they know I love bright colors!

My sweet card and some Kardashian nail polish! They know me all too well!

YES! A gift card so I can get my eyelashed filled! Waahoo!
They also made me leave work on Friday at three but paid me for the whole day, now that was an awesome birthday gift!
Love you Tana and Billy!

Somebody else was super excited about my balloons as well!

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